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Cookies policy


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Cookies and tracking technologies

The LTA website uses three main types of cookies: necessary cookies, which make our
website work correctly; performance cookies, which collect data relating to how you use
the LTA website; and functionality cookies, which give you a more personalised experience
when you use our website. Some of the cookies we use on our website are used for marketing purposes, for example cookies used to collect or observe your marketing
preferences (e.g. by observing your use of our website).

LTA Operations Limited is the data controller for any personal data provided to or
collected by the LTA - via cookies and other tracking technologies.

The LTA receives and stores certain types of information, some of which is “personal data”
under GDPR, whenever you interact with us online. Examples of such personal data include
IP addresses and location data.

In conjunction with cookies, the LTA also uses tracking pixels. Tracking pixels are small
pieces of HTML code that can be installed on a website or included in an email. These are
activated when someone visits the website or opens / reads the email. The following
information can be captured via tracking pixels; 

  • Operating system used (gives information on the use of mobile devices)
  • Type of website or email used, for example on mobile or desktop
  • Type of client used, for example a browser or email program
  • User's screen resolution
  • Time the email was read or website was visited
  • Activities on the website during a session, or how much of the email was read
  • IP address (gives information on the Internet Service Provider and location)

The difference between a cookie and a pixel is where the information is served and kept.
Pixels are made to send information to servers, whereas cookies are saved in a browser on
a user’s device.

Information may be sent to your computer in the form of an Internet browser “cookie” to
allow the LTA to monitor your use of our website, and to tailor the way it works for you, as
set out above and below.

Further details of how the LTA uses your personal data, whether collected via cookies or
otherwise, is set out in our Privacy Policy, which is available here.

Types of cookies

Definitions of cookies used by the LTA

  • Necessary Cookies. These cookies are essential to make the LTA website work
    correctly; they enable visitors to move around our websites and use our features.
    These cookies collect anonymised data, such as information about your browser
    type and version, without collecting any ‘personal data’ which relates to you.
  • Performance Cookies. These cookies collect anonymised information about how
    you use the LTA website, for instance which pages you go to most often, the time
    spent on our website, and any issues encountered, such as error messages. These
    cookies are also used to let affiliates (Google Ads, Google Analytics, Twitter,
    YouTube, Facebook) know if you came to our website from an affiliate and if that
    visit resulted in the use of a LTA product or service, e.g. membership sign up. This
    helps improve the performance of the LTA website. Information supplied by
    performance cookies helps us to understand how our visitors use the LTA website
    so that we can improve how we present our content to them. They also allow us to
    test different design ideas for particular pages, such as the LTA Homepage. Our
    objective in doing this is to provide website users with an improved, personalised
    experience and help more people play tennis.
  • Functionality Cookies. These cookies allow the LTA website to remember the
    choices you make (such as user name, language or the region you are in) to provide
    a more personalised online experience. These cookies may also be used to
    remember changes you have made to text size, fonts and other parts of web pages
    that you can customise.
  • Third-Party Cookies. We use a number of partners that may also set cookies on
    your device on our behalf when a visit is made to the LTA website to allow them to
    deliver tailored LTA advertising within their domains, for example Facebook and
    Google DoubleClick. When someone visits the LTA website and other websites, the
    third-party cookie tracks this information and sends it to the third-party who
    created the cookie.

Manage cookies

Duration of the cookies used

In terms of duration, we may use two different types of cookies on the LTA website:

  • Session Cookies. These cookies are temporary cookies that remain on a device until
    the visitor leaves the website; or
  • Persistent Cookies. These cookies remain on a device for much longer or until the
    individual manually deletes them (how long the cookie remains on the device will
    depend on the duration or “lifetime” of the specific cookie, as well as browser

List of the cookies used

Necessary Cookies

Name of cookie Duration Explanation
ASP.NET_SessionId Session Used to identify the users session on the server
ai_session Session Azure application - unique anonymous session identifier cookie
ai_user 1 Year Azure application - unique user identifier cookie enabling counting of the number of users accessing the application over time
ARRAffinity Session Azure web apps - built-in feature of Azure App Service to faciliate session data management
ARRAffinitySameSite Session Azure web apps - use for load balancing to make sure the visitor page requests are routed to the same server in any browsing session
LTA.Application Session Used by the website for user authentication
sso-rtn Session Provides users with a unique login and password to access all their online accounts

Performance Cookies

Name of cookie Duration Explanation
_ga 2 Years Used to identify a unique user
_gat_R8CDFT1V4H 1 Minute Use to throttle the request rate
_gid 1 Day Used to identify the user

Functionality Cookies

Name of cookie Duration Explanation
__RequestVerificationToken Session This is an anti-forgery cookie set by web applications built to stop unauthorised posting of content to a website, known as cross-site forgery.
__stripe_mid 1 Year Set for fraud prevention purposes and helps us assess the risk associated with an attemped transaction.
ASPSESSIONIDQWSBADAC Session Maintain a users session when they log in. It contains the session ID only, and no personal details
EPi:NumberOfVisits 1 Year Episerver - stores the number of times you access pages on the site to allow personalisation of content
lastVenue n/a Cookie stores a reference to the last venue viewed by a user. It allows for personalisation of content, and pre-population of the venue drop-down menus on forms
RememberMe n/a Controlling how long you want someone to stay logged in for

Third-Party Cookies

Name of cookie Duration Explanation
_ce.s 1 Year Crazy Egg tracking which records a visitor session unique ID, tracking host and start time
_fbp 3 Months Used by Meta to deliver advertising
_gcl_au 3 Months Google Adsense - to store and track conversions
_qca 1 Year Marketing cookie to store and track audience reach.
sa-user-id 1 Year These third party advertising / targeting cookies record information about your website activity, such as the pages you’ve visited and the locations you’ve viewed to enable us to provide you with interest based content and personalised adverts on external websites.
cebsp_ Session Crazy Egg tracking to determine if a survey should be shown.
_ce.clock_data 1 Day it’s used to Store the difference in time from the server's time and the current browser.
_tt_enable_cookie 1 Year TikTok, This cookie is used as a means of tracking your website activity to help us optimise our advertising
cebs Session Crazy Egg tracking to track the current user session internally
cookieprefs 3 Months Stores your cookie preferences
_ttp 1 Year TikTok - this cookie is used as a means of tracking your website activity to help us optimise our advertising.
Cookies on LTA site

We use cookies on our site to ACE your experience, improve the quality of our site and show you content we think you’ll be interested in. Let us know if you agree to cookies or if you’d prefer to manage your own settings.